Sample Size Computations and Power Analysis with the SASŪ System

John M. Castelloe

Paper 265-25

Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth Annual SAS Users Group International Conference

Abstract:  Statistical power analysis characterizes the ability of a study to detect a meaningful effect size---for example, the difference between two population means. It also determines the sample size required to provide a desired power for an effect of scientific interest. Proper planning reduces the risk of conducting a study that will not produce useful results and determines the most sensitive design for the resources available. Power analysis is now integral to the health and behavioral sciences, and its use is steadily increasing wherever empirical studies are performed. 

SAS Institute is working to implement power analysis for common situations such as t-tests, ANOVA, comparison of binomial proportions, equivalence testing, survival analysis, contingency tables and linear models, and eventually for a wide range of models and designs. An effective graphical user interface reveals the contribution to power of factors such as effect size, sample size, inherent variability, type I error rate, and choice of design and analysis. This presentation demonstrates issues involved in power analysis, summarizes the current state of methodology and software, and outlines future directions.

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